On Friday, May 8th, a tornado went through Springfield. It was an EFzero but seemed to pack a wallop anyway. We had no damage (just all our patio furniture tossed around the yard) but our neighbors weren't so lucky. Tim was at school ducking & covering with his students. Alec was at his school ducking & covering - which he said was very boring and uncomfortable. Sam got to go to school an hour late when it was all over, and that made him very happy. No injuries in Springfield and we thank God for keeping us safe!
A huge pine tree topples over roots and all.

A big tree loses some limbs.

Across the street, our neighbor's tree breaks in half.
OMG...thats nuts. You guys have a lot of tornado action there. School gets out May 21 here...how about your boys? I am coming to SFD Wed for Carli and Maylis kindergarten field trip to the zoo:) I will be riding the bus for that very loooonnng trip with 30 kindergarteners....yikes! I might take adavan that day:)