Saturday, June 20, 2009


Alec and Sam are completely different when it comes to schoolwork. Sam appears to put forth very little effort and always seems to pull out an A. School just comes easy to him. When he comes home with homework he does it immediately. He barely even waits to have a snack first. Sam knows that when his homework is out of the way, he can play all day without being interrupted by it later.

Alec, on the other hand, struggles and procrastinates. This is no big secret. He outwardly laughs that he drives his parents crazy with his work habits. He's the kind of kid that, if left alone, will decide that bedtime is the time to drag out the textbooks. Sometimes he even waits until the morning and crams it all in around brushing his teeth and meticulously sculpting his hair. So when he entered Middle School last September, I was terrified his grades would really suffer. Middle School is, after all, much harder than Elementary. But . . . au contraire . . . .

Alec earned straight A's all year long. Because of this he was awarded "Outstanding Student" in English, Science, Social Studies and Math. And each year the faculty presents a trophy to one student who they feel will go on to do amazing things in each particular field of study. Guess who was chosen for SCIENCE??? Yep, Alec! Tim could not have been prouder since he has taught Science for the last 13 years. On top of all that, Alec's fellow classmates voted him most likely to become a millionaire. I'm not sure what that's about but I sure hope they're right!

Alec get his Science Award:

Congratulations Alec! We're so proud of you!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Camping and Boating

We had so much fun on our first camping trip of the year with the Summers. Aside from the thunderstorm in the middle of the night, the weather was perfect. Tim and I are very sore from tubing (from just trying to hold on). Alec is sunburned from standing on the face of a cliff for 45 minutes trying to build up the nerve to jump into the water. Sam has bruises and scratches all over his legs from walking (and falling) through the woods. And we're ready to do it all over again!!!

Niki and Nikki

Shawn, our chauffeur

Sam and Tim

Tim drives with Alec, Emmy, Sam and Brody in front

Here is a video of Tim on the tube:

Alec and Emmy try to work up the nerve to jump (they did finally jump):